Monday, August 18, 2008

End of Summer

This is my first attempt at blogging, and I hope I can stick to it. I have been saying for months now that I was going to start a webpage to keep all those far away updated with the happenings of our family and ever changing life of Cara, but I never got around to it. So here we are.
We have had a great summer and this is the last day of it for us. I got a chance to go to Sonoma wine country for my friends' wedding. All of my girls and I had a blast, and we will surely never forget it.
Cara and I also got the opportunity to go north with Grammy Nancy and see all the family in Ohio. Cara is still asking for cousin Luke and she still says Ryan repeatedly.
Since then, we have tried to relax and enjoy the last few weeks of summer. I took the girls I nanny for to Silver Dollar City (an amusement park) and we rode all of the crazy roller coasters (its nothing compared to Cedar Point), but tons of fun none-the-less. My best friend Melanie and I went to Kansas City to see Jack Johnson and that was a great show! He was one of my must see in concert top 5 and I am happy to mark it off.

Cara is a BUSY body if I have ever seen one. She is quite the smart cookie, counting to 5 or 6 on her own and singing made up songs to her toys. She is very independent and speaks her mind just like I do. I can't count how many words she says, but she repeats anything she hears...good or bad.

Jeffrey has been busy doing floors, we are doing a small remodel in our home and that is keeping him extra busy lately. He is gearing up for his 10 day backpacking trip coming up at the end of this month. He and a friend are heading west to Utah to do their manly man stuff. I know he is looking forward to it, I believe its his favorite time of year.

I believe that is all that is going on with our family for now....will do my best to keep you all posted.


cross said...

You're a hot mama!

The Keeslings said...


Holly Brooke Tolbert said...

Yeah, you finally did it. Love you!